Winning: How to Effectively Influence Decision Makers to Advance Public Health

Harold Cox, MSSW, Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences, BUSPH

Lori Fresina, Senior Vice President, M+R

Diane Pickles, Vice President, M+R

On Campus 16 hours Registration closed

Registration has closed for this course.

Course Description

A key component of change is effective and informative advocacy—even the smallest event can be used to reach policy goals. In this two-day course, attendees will gain knowledge and hands-on experience in planning, executing, and evaluating advocacy campaigns by being immersed in the Power Prism®, a framework to identify, create, and act on opportunities to build momentum in an advocacy campaign. The Power Prism® is built on six “power tools” of advocacy that help individuals and organizations convert even the smallest event into a power-building opportunity.

Through didactic presentation, case study, hands-on practice using toolkit materials, and experiential learning, participants will understand how to apply this framework to launch, participate in, and/or engage others in advocacy campaigns to advance public health goals.


Participants will learn to:

  • understand the critical importance of specifically answering three key questions for advocacy campaigns – and know how to answer them;
  • identify the six power tools of advocacy campaigns and how to use those tools to build power to influence key decision-makers;
  • see their own place in advocacy campaigns and understand how they can advance public health policy personally and collectively;
  • use this advocacy toolkit in whatever advocacy campaigns they are engaged.

Required knowledge/pre-requisites

An interest in advancing public health through advocacy

Course Details

On Campus 16 Hours Registration Closed

-Monday, 9:00am-5:00pm
-Tuesday, 9:00am-5:00pm