Teaching Excellence in Public Health | December 19th, 2018

Peer Review of Teaching

Peer review of teaching is a process destined to improve instructional effectiveness of faculty and constitutes part of instructional mentorship and development. The included resources were retrieved from ASPPH Academic Affairs members.

Teaching Excellence in Public Health | March 28th, 2018

Teaching Public Health Symposium

Established graduate schools and programs of public health are redesigning curricula to meet the changing needs of incoming students and to ensure that graduates have the knowledge, skills, and attributes to meet the needs of a changing workforce. Includes resources from the Teaching Public Health Symposium held at BUSPH on 3/28/18.

Teaching Excellence in Public Health | March 27th, 2018

Public Health Writing Guide

What makes public health writing particularly tricky is that there are so many genres to master and so many different audiences to target. Clarity and brevity are critical and you can never forget about your readers.

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