Dollars to Results: Using Data Analytics to Improve Cost Effectiveness in International Development

Rob Segan, MBA, MPH, Senior Business Manager, Palladium

James Wolff, MD, Associate Professor, Global Health, BUSPH

On Campus 20 Hours Registration closed

Registration has closed for this course.

Course Description

The most impactful and effective decisions are driven by data. International development agencies, including USAID and DFID, continue to place a growing emphasis on both evidence based practices and cost effective programs. In this workshop we will look at the growing number of opportunities in Value Analytics, the intersection of data analytics and Value for Money, to increase effective outcomes in international development.



Participants will learn to:

  • understand Value for Money and why it’s important in Global Health;
  • discern how the use of data analytics is moving from the private sector to international development to drive evidence based programs;
  • use downloadable dataset and the data visualization software Tableau to create compelling Value Analytics stories.


Required knowledge/pre-requisites

A basic working knowledge of Microsoft Excel and familiarity in issues related to global heath

Course Details

On Campus 20 Hours Registration Closed

- Monday, 9:00am-1:00pm
- Tuesday, 9:00am-1:00pm
- Wednesday, 9:00am-1:00pm
- Thursday, 9:00am-1:00pm
- Friday, 9:00am-1:00pm