PHX Perspectives | February 25th, 2022
A 2021 study by the University Professional and Continuing Education Association, highlights how alternative credentials prepare students for higher paying entry level jobs, and also helps others upskill to earn promotions and advance in their careers. Unlike traditional degree programs, which need to meet a long list of objectives for accreditation purposes, Microcredentials help students connect their abilities to opportunities. This means that they are ideal to meet the fast-changing needs of learners and the labor market.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Open Badges from IMSGlobal.
Population Health Exchange (PHX) courses on Biostatistics, Data to Dashboards and Lean Management now offer Credly digital badges. These digital badges will empower participants to supercharge their academic and professional profiles by highlighting the competencies acquired through these programs. Learn more about these and other courses that will award digital badges through the PHX newsletter.