
A key component of change is effective and informative advocacy—even the smallest event can be used to reach policy goals.

PHX Perspectives | August 27th, 2019

Reflections on the Summer at PHX

For most students, summer is a time to take a break from classes and get real-world experience at internships, practicums, and jobs. At PHX, summer is also the perfect time for updating skills, deepening knowledge, and thoughtfully advancing our education programs and courses.

PHX Perspectives | April 30th, 2019

Inspiring the Next Generation to Promote Public Health

I love teaching young people about the opportunities that exist in biostatistics–because they are often unaware. Students who like solving complicated problems, working in teams and contributing to solutions that improve health are perfect candidates for biostatistics!

PHX Perspectives | March 27th, 2019

Presenting Public Health as a Lifelong Career Path

Young people are not exposed to public health as a discipline and potential career path until much later in their academic or professional lives— therefore, programs need to reach younger generations earlier in their educational journeys.

Webinar | March 27th, 2019

Mental Health Stigma

In this webinar, Sarah Ketchen Lipson, Assistant Professor of Health Law Policy and Management, takes a deep dive into mental health stigma, examining different forms of stigma, relationships between stigma and mental health service utilization, and trends in stigma over time

Webinar | December 7th, 2018

How Denmark Got Its Bicycles

Denmark is one of the most bicycle-friendly countries in the world, with more than 11,000 miles of bike lanes and paths, but this was not something that happened overnight. Join international health policy and strategy advisor, Agis Tsouros, as he discusses the extensive planning that goes into making cities healthier.

Practically Speaking | October 18th, 2018

Addressing US Maternal Mortality

Maternal mortality in the US is a much bigger and broader problem than people expect. These are the three key things to know before we can do something about it.

Free Associations Podcast | November 7th, 2017

Could kids in Uganda do this podcast better than we can?

Matt, Chris, and Don decide whether school kids in Uganda can be taught to evaluate the validity of health claims (hey, isn’t that our job?), talk about generalizing study results and Chris finds the answers in rubbing his bald spot.

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